I wonder if there are any legitimate reasons to return unique pointers by reference in C++, i.e. std::unique_ptr<T>&
I've never actually seen that trick before, but the new project I've got seems to use this pattern a lot. From the first glance, it just effectively breaks / circumvents the "unique ownership" contract, making it impossible to catch the error in compile-time. Consider the following example:
class TmContainer {
TmContainer() {
// Create some sort of complex object on heap and store unique_ptr to it
m_time = std::unique_ptr<tm>(new tm());
// Store something meaningful in its fields
m_time->tm_year = 42;
std::unique_ptr<tm>& time() { return m_time; }
std::unique_ptr<tm> m_time;
auto one = new TmContainer();
auto& myTime = one->time();
std::cout << myTime->tm_year; // works, outputs 42
delete one;
std::cout << myTime->tm_year; // obviously fails at runtime, as `one` is deleted
Note that if we'd returned just std::unique_ptr<tm>
(not a reference), it would raise a clear compile-time error, or would force use to use move semantics:
// Compile-time error
std::unique_ptr<tm> time() { return m_time; }
// Works as expected, but m_time is no longer owned by the container
std::unique_ptr<tm> time() { return std::move(m_time); }
I suspect that a general rule of thumb is that all such cases warrant use of std::shared_ptr
. Am I right?
There are two use cases for this and in my opinion it is indicative of bad design. Having a non-const reference means that you can steal the resource or replace it without having to offer separate methods.
// Just create a handle to the managed object
auto& tm_ptr = tm_container.time();
// Steal the resource
std::unique_ptr<TmContainer> other_tm_ptr = std::move(tm_ptr);
// Replace the managed object with another one
tm_ptr = std::make_unique<TmContainer>;
I strongly advocate against these practices because they are error prone and less readable. It's best to offer an interface such as the following, provided you actually need this functionality.
tm& time() { return *m_time; }
std::unique_ptr<tm> release_time() { return {std::move(m_time)}; }
// If tm is cheap to move
void set_time(tm t) { m_time = make_unique<tm>(std::move(t)); }
// If tm is not cheap to move or not moveable at all
void set_time(std::unique_ptr t_ptr) { m_time = std::move(t_ptr); }