I use spacemacs config to open a python file.
emacs: 25.3.1
spacemacs: 0.300.0
platform: osx
I add python layer in dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
besides I use miniconda to control my python envs with (setenv "WORKON_HOME" "~/miniconda3/envs")
in dotspacemacs/user-init
Then I run into this problem(copy from Messages) when I open a python file:
Importmagic and/or epc not found. importmagic.el will not be working.
Tried to solve this situation from discussion at spacemacs#10145 by add
(require 'pyvenv)
(pyvenv-activate DIRECTORY)
into my dotspacemacs/user-config
but with no lucky.
Hope someone could give me some advice, thank you!
Did you
pip3 install importmagic epc
in the python environment you're working in?