This code compiles and debugs well, but when I do a maven build in Eclipse the unit test and the build fails. I don't understand where is the misuse of the matchers here? Thanks.
[ERROR] Errors: [ERROR] Tests.MyTest() » InvalidUseOfMatchers
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {MapperFactory.class})
public class Tests {
@Mock private Bucket bucketMock;
@Mock private MutateInBuilder builderMock;
@InjectMocks private Repository couchbaseRepository;
private MapperFactory mapperFactory;
public void setMapperFactory(MapperFactory mapperFactory) {
this.mapperFactory = mapperFactory;
public void MyTest() throws MyException {
String jsonText = jsonSamples.getProperty("theJson");
Mapper mapper = mapperFactory.getMapper(JsonObject.fromJson(jsonText),repository);
Thanks for your help, that right, that was all the exception was saying. The solution was to update the artifactId of Mockito in the pom.xml file:
was replaced with: