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Setting up Kibana on Ubuntu 17.10

I have a lot of log files from JBoss Fuse that I want to visualize in Kibana.

I've installed Elasticsearch and Kibana.

I have also installed the plugin ingest-geoip (bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-geoip).

Now I am trying to install Filebeat.

I've done this OK:

curl -L -O
tar xzvf filebeat-6.2.2-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
cd filebeat-6.2.2-darwin-x86_64/

But when I want to run it I get the following:

sindre@selite:/usr/lib/filebeat$ ./filebeat modules enable system
bash: ./filebeat: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

NB! This is my first time using Kibana. Please point me in the right direction if I am using it wrong. As I wrote earlier I want to use it for Jboss Fuse Log files.


  • filebeat-6.2.2-darwin-x86_64

    There's your clue. darwin is the name given to the core OS-X unix distribution

    It is extremely unlikely that a compiled darwin binary would be compatible with a linux system.

    You really want to be looking at the Linx X86 64 package