I am attempting to create a new 'Vault' from a Post Request from my frontend (built in React) using Mongoose Schema.
When I hit the create button in my app, the Post Request initiates, but returns:
POST http://localhost:3000/vaults/create 500 (Internal Server Error)
When my controller function createVault() is initiated, it will successfully create a 'Vault' from the model (see below):
//Create a vault
module.exports.createVault = async (ctx, next) => {
if ('POST' != ctx.method) return await next();
try {
if (!ctx.request.body.name) {
ctx.status = 404
//Create new vault
const vault = await Vault.create({
name: ctx.request.body.name,
url: ctx.request.body.url,
description: ctx.request.body.description
await vault.save();
//Return vault
ctx.body = vault;
ctx.status = 201;
catch (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error in the createVault controller:', error);
ctx.status = error.response.status;
ctx.body = error.response.data;
However, my problem occurs when I try to add a second Schema model; I am attempting to create a 'Crypt' from each of the items in the ctx.request.body.crypts array (see below):
//Create a vault
module.exports.createVault = async (ctx, next) => {
if ('POST' != ctx.method) return await next();
try {
if (!ctx.request.body.name) {
ctx.status = 404
//Create new vault
const vault = await Vault.create({
name: ctx.request.body.name,
url: ctx.request.body.url,
description: ctx.request.body.description
//Create new crypts
const promises = await ctx.request.body.crypts.map(crypt => Crypt.create({
name: crypt
//Add reference to vault
const crypts = await Promise.all(promises);
vault.crypts = crypts.map(crypt => crypt._id);
await vault.save();
//Return vault and crypts
ctx.body = [vault, crypts];
ctx.status = 201;
catch (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error in the createVault controller:', error);
ctx.status = error.response.status;
ctx.body = error.response.data;
The error I receive say I cannot map over an undefined object, although I am using const crypts = await Promise.all(promises);
Can anyone suggest a correct way around this problem? Many thanks.
I managed to fix my problem by creating a function called cleanBody(body) which manually parsed the data for me to use.
I logged typeof ctx.request.body
which returned a string and revealed my problem. The cleanBody(body) function just check if the body was an object, then used JSON.parse() if it was a string (see below):
const cleanBody = body => {
return typeof body !== 'object' ? JSON.parse(body) : body;
My mistake was assuming APIs from Postman and APIs called in the app would pass the same data, even when everything looks the same