This works…
const { prop1:val1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query
val1 = val1.toLowerCase()
Though, I'm more inclined to do something like
const { prop1.toLowerCase():val1, prop2:val2 } = req.query
const { prop1:val1.toLowerCase(), prop2:val2 } = req.query
neither of which work. Is there a syntax similar to this or must manipulations be done outside of the destructing assignment?
No, this is not possible. A destructuring assignment does only assign, it does not do arbitrary transformations on the value. (Setters are an exception, but they would only complicate this).
I would recommend to write
const { prop1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query;
const val1 = prop1.toLowerCase();
or, in one statement:
const { prop1, prop2:val2 ) = req.query, val1 = prop1.toLowerCase();