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How to convert a JavaScript object to a YUI 3 node?

In my HTML I have something like this

<input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="delete(this);"/>

and in the JavaScript file I define my function "delete" like this:

YUI().use('node', functioin(Y) {
   function delete(el){
       //Here is the problem

The problem is, I want to convert the "el" object (which is a normal JavaScript object) to a node of YUI 3 so that I can use YUI 3's functions more conveniently. And I don't know how to do it.

What is the solution?


  • YUI 3’s Y.Node constructor can simply take in a DOM element or selector string and return a new Y.Node instance:

    // returns a Y.Node instance wrapping a div DOM element
    var node = new Y.Node(document.createElement('div'));

    But, the preferred way is the use the convenient factory method:

    // returns a Y.Node instance wrapping a div DOM element
    var node ='div'));

    Also, YUI 3 has a Y.NodeList class which represents a collection of Y.Node instances:

    // returns a Y.NodeList representing all divs on the page
    var divs = new Y.NodeList(document.getElementsByTagName('div'));
    // or using the convenient Y.all NodeList factory method:
    divs = Y.all(document.getElementsByTagName('div'));
    // …and finally the preferred way to do this using a selector string:
    divs = Y.all('div');

    In generally, use and Y.all to rerun a Y.Node and Y.NodeList instance respectively; this is how you will see YUI 3 code written, and what all the examples will use.

    For your specific use case of wanting to remove a DOM element which you already hold a reference to you could do the following using YUI 3’s Y.Node class:

    // assumes el is a DOM element reference;