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The infoWindow of each polyline in google maps is not shown using javascript

I try to display infoWindow for my polylines, In fact, I followed all steps of doing this task but still the infoWindow does not appear.. here I have several markers and I created path among them:


  <script async defer
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


            var markers = [

            //1 Qazvin Takestan   
            "title": 'Qazvin',
            "lat": '36.2737',
            "lng": '49.9982',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"

            "title": 'Takestan_dest',  
            "lat": '36.0721',
            "lng": '49.7013',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"

            //1 Qazvin Takestan kooh 36.066553, 49.638426
            "title": 'Qazvin',
            "lat": '36.2737',
            "lng": '49.9982',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"

            "title": 'Takestan Kooh_dest',  
            "lat": '36.066553',
            "lng": '49.638426',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان کوه</b>"

            //2 Takestan Razan 
            "title": 'Takestan_src',  
            "lat": '36.0721',
            "lng": '49.7013',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"

            "title": 'Razan',
            "lat": '35.3914',
            "lng": '49.0337',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: رزن</b>"

            //3 Takestan Abhar 
            "title": 'Takestan_src',  
            "lat": '36.0721',
            "lng": '49.7013',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"

            "title": 'Abhar', 
            "lat": '36.1525',
            "lng": '49.2385',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: ابهر</b>"

            //4 Abhar zanjan 36.1525° N, 49.2385° E
            "title": 'Takestan_src',  
            "lat": '36.1525',
            "lng": '49.2385',
            "description":"<a href='edit-stations.php?temp_id=2018080250'><b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b></a>"

            "title": 'Zanjan', 
            "lat": '36.6830',
            "lng": '48.5087',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زنجان</b>"

            //5 Qazvin Ziaran 36.1185° N, 50.5265    
            "title": 'Qazvin',
            "lat": '36.2737',
            "lng": '49.9982',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"

            "title": 'Ziaran',  
            "lat": '36.1185',
            "lng": '50.5265',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زیاران</b>"

            //6 Ziaran karaj 35.8400° N, 50.9391° E   
            "title": 'Ziaran',  
            "lat": '36.1185',
            "lng": '50.5265',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زیاران</b>"

            "title": 'karaj',  
            "lat": '35.8400',
            "lng": '50.9391',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: کرج</b>"

            //7 Qazvin Loshan 36.6294° N, 49.5140° E  
            "title": 'Qazvin',
            "lat": '36.2737',
            "lng": '49.9982',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"

            "title": 'Loshan',  
            "lat": '36.6294',
            "lng": '49.5140',
            "description":"<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: لوشان</b>"

            //8 Qazvin BoeenZahra 35.7677° N, 50.0573° E 
            "title": 'Qazvin',
            "lat": '36.2737',
            "lng": '49.9982',
           "description": "<a href='edit-stations.php?temp_id=2018082145'><b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b></a>"

            "title": 'BoeenZahra',  
            "lat": '35.7677',
            "lng": '50.0573',
            "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: بویین زهرا</b>"

        var infowindow2;
        var poly;
        var map;
        var marker;
        var path;
        var vertices;
        var polylines = []; 
        var flightPlanCoordinates;
        var zz = 0;   
        flightPlanCoordinates =[
            {lat: 36.2737, lng: 49.9982},
            {lat: 35.7677, lng: 50.0573}
            {lat: 36.2737, lng: 49.9982},
            {lat:36.543726,lng: 49.574846},
            {lat: 36.6294, lng: 49.5140}

        function initMap() {           
        var mapOptions = {
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
        zoom: 10,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID 

         // Define the symbol, using one of the predefined paths ('CIRCLE')
        // supplied by the Google Maps JavaScript API.
        var lineSymbol = {
          path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
          scale: 8,
          strokeColor: '#393'

        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
        var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

        //multi polylines
        var lat_lng = new Array();
        var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

        for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
        var data = markers[i];
        var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, data.lng);
        marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: myLatlng,
        map: map,
        title: data.title
        (function(marker, data) {
        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function(e) {
        infoWindow.setContent(data.description);, marker);
        })(marker, data);


        //Initialize the Direction Service
        var service = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
         var hh =0;   
         //Loop and Draw Path Route between the Points on MAP
        for (var i = 0; i < lat_lng.length; i++) {

        if ((i + 1) < lat_lng.length) {
        var src = lat_lng[i];
        var des = lat_lng[i + 1];
        i = i+1;
        origin: src,
        destination: des,
        travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING
        }, function(result, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
          //Initialize the Path Array
          path = new google.maps.MVCArray();

            //Set the Path Stroke Color
            poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
            //path: path,
            //path: flightPlanCoordinates[hh],
            icons: [{
            icon: lineSymbol,
            offset: '100%'
            map: map,
            //strokeColor: '#ec2a04'
            strokeWeight: 3.5,
            strokeColor: '#38ff45'




          //polylines[0].setOptions({strokeColor: 'blue'}); 

          //var routeIndex = indexOfRequest(result);

          for (var i = 0, len = result.routes[0].overview_path.length ; i < len; i++) {



            createInfoWindow(poly, 'polyinfo...test'); //I tried polylines too
            google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

         function createInfoWindow(poly, content) {

    google.maps.event.addListener(poly, 'click', function(event) {
        // infowindow.content = content;

        // infowindow.position = event.latLng;

        // Use the DOM setInterval() function to change the offset of the symbol
        // at fixed intervals.
        function animateCircle(line) {
          var count = 0;
          window.setInterval(function() {
            count = (count + 1) % 200;
            var icons = line.get('icons');
            icons[0].offset = (count / 2) + '%';
            line.set('icons', icons);
            }, 20);

    function changeRootProperty(pathID,pathStatus)
        if((pathStatus%2) == 0)
                polylines[pathID].setOptions({strokeColor: 'red'});
                document.getElementById("path"+pathID).innerHTML = "<span class='label label-danger'>غیرفعال</span>";
                polylines[pathID].setOptions({strokeColor: '#38ff45'});
                document.getElementById("path"+pathID).innerHTML = "<span class='label label-success'>فعال</span>";



<div id="map" style='width:100%;height:340px;'>


I tried many but still I have problem, when I click on markers, it's info window appears but for polylines does not.


  • With the posted code I get the javascript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '__e3_' of undefined, because the DirectionsService is asynchronous and you are calling createInfoWindow(poly, 'polyinfo...test'); outside of its callback function (before the poly variable is created).

    You want to call that inside the callback function:

    function(result, status) {
        if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
          //Initialize the Path Array
          path = new google.maps.MVCArray();
          //Set the Path Stroke Color
          poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
            icons: [{
              icon: lineSymbol,
              offset: '100%'
            map: map,
            //strokeColor: '#ec2a04'
            strokeWeight: 3.5,
            strokeColor: '#38ff45'
          for (var i = 0, len = result.routes[0].overview_path.length; i < len; i++) {
          createInfoWindow(poly, 'polyinfo...test');  // <== call it inside the callback function

    Once I do that, I get a new error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setContent' of undefined because the variable infowindow2 is never initialize, add this to your initMap function:

    infowindow2 = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

    proof of concept fiddle

    screenshot of resulting map

    code snippet:

    var markers = [
      //1 Qazvin Takestan   
        "title": 'Qazvin',
        "lat": '36.2737',
        "lng": '49.9982',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"
        "title": 'Takestan_dest',
        "lat": '36.0721',
        "lng": '49.7013',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"
      //1 Qazvin Takestan kooh 36.066553, 49.638426
        "title": 'Qazvin',
        "lat": '36.2737',
        "lng": '49.9982',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"
        "title": 'Takestan Kooh_dest',
        "lat": '36.066553',
        "lng": '49.638426',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان کوه</b>"
      //2 Takestan Razan 
        "title": 'Takestan_src',
        "lat": '36.0721',
        "lng": '49.7013',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"
        "title": 'Razan',
        "lat": '35.3914',
        "lng": '49.0337',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: رزن</b>"
      //3 Takestan Abhar 
        "title": 'Takestan_src',
        "lat": '36.0721',
        "lng": '49.7013',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b>"
        "title": 'Abhar',
        "lat": '36.1525',
        "lng": '49.2385',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: ابهر</b>"
      //4 Abhar zanjan 36.1525° N, 49.2385° E
        "title": 'Takestan_src',
        "lat": '36.1525',
        "lng": '49.2385',
        "description": "<a href='edit-stations.php?temp_id=2018080250'><b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: تاکستان</b></a>"
        "title": 'Zanjan',
        "lat": '36.6830',
        "lng": '48.5087',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زنجان</b>"
      //5 Qazvin Ziaran 36.1185° N, 50.5265    
        "title": 'Qazvin',
        "lat": '36.2737',
        "lng": '49.9982',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"
        "title": 'Ziaran',
        "lat": '36.1185',
        "lng": '50.5265',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زیاران</b>"
      //6 Ziaran karaj 35.8400° N, 50.9391° E   
        "title": 'Ziaran',
        "lat": '36.1185',
        "lng": '50.5265',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: زیاران</b>"
        "title": 'karaj',
        "lat": '35.8400',
        "lng": '50.9391',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: کرج</b>"
      //7 Qazvin Loshan 36.6294° N, 49.5140° E  
        "title": 'Qazvin',
        "lat": '36.2737',
        "lng": '49.9982',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b>"
        "title": 'Loshan',
        "lat": '36.6294',
        "lng": '49.5140',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: لوشان</b>"
      //8 Qazvin BoeenZahra 35.7677° N, 50.0573° E 
        "title": 'Qazvin',
        "lat": '36.2737',
        "lng": '49.9982',
        "description": "<a href='edit-stations.php?temp_id=2018082145'><b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: قزوین</b></a>"
        "title": 'BoeenZahra',
        "lat": '35.7677',
        "lng": '50.0573',
        "description": "<b style='padding-right:20px;font-family:tahoma;'>نام ایستگاه: بویین زهرا</b>"
    var infowindow2;
    var poly;
    var map;
    var marker;
    var path;
    var vertices;
    var polylines = [];
    var flightPlanCoordinates;
    var zz = 0;
    flightPlanCoordinates = [
          lat: 36.2737,
          lng: 49.9982
          lat: 35.7677,
          lng: 50.0573
          lat: 36.2737,
          lng: 49.9982
          lat: 36.543726,
          lng: 49.574846
          lat: 36.6294,
          lng: 49.5140
    function initMap() {
      var mapOptions = {
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
        zoom: 10,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
      // Define the symbol, using one of the predefined paths ('CIRCLE')
      // supplied by the Google Maps JavaScript API.
      var lineSymbol = {
        path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
        scale: 8,
        strokeColor: '#393'
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
      var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      infowindow2 = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
      //multi polylines
      var lat_lng = new Array();
      var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
      for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
        var data = markers[i];
        var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, data.lng);
        marker = new google.maps.Marker({
          position: myLatlng,
          map: map,
          title: data.title
        (function(marker, data) {
          google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function(e) {
  , marker);
        })(marker, data);
      //Initialize the Direction Service
      var service = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
      var hh = 0;
      //Loop and Draw Path Route between the Points on MAP
      for (var i = 0; i < lat_lng.length; i++) {
        if ((i + 1) < lat_lng.length) {
          var src = lat_lng[i];
          var des = lat_lng[i + 1];
          i = i + 1;
            origin: src,
            destination: des,
            travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING
          }, function(result, status) {
            if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
              //Initialize the Path Array
              path = new google.maps.MVCArray();
              //Set the Path Stroke Color
              poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
                icons: [{
                  icon: lineSymbol,
                  offset: '100%'
                map: map,
                strokeWeight: 3.5,
                strokeColor: '#38ff45'
              for (var i = 0, len = result.routes[0].overview_path.length; i < len; i++) {
              createInfoWindow(poly, 'polyinfo...test');
    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initMap);
    function createInfoWindow(poly, content) {
      google.maps.event.addListener(poly, 'click', function(event) {
    // Use the DOM setInterval() function to change the offset of the symbol
    // at fixed intervals.
    function animateCircle(line) {
      var count = 0;
      window.setInterval(function() {
        count = (count + 1) % 200;
        var icons = line.get('icons');
        icons[0].offset = (count / 2) + '%';
        line.set('icons', icons);
      }, 20);
    function changeRootProperty(pathID, pathStatus) {
      if ((pathStatus % 2) == 0) {
          strokeColor: 'red'
        document.getElementById("path" + pathID).innerHTML = "<span class='label label-danger'>غیرفعال</span>";
      } else {
          strokeColor: '#38ff45'
        document.getElementById("path" + pathID).innerHTML = "<span class='label label-success'>فعال</span>";
    #map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      padding: 0px;
      margin: 0px;
      background-color: white;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id='map'></div>