I'm trying to implement django-filebrowser into my latest app. I have grappelli installed also. The urls work fine for getting into filebrowser /admin/filebrowser/browse is what I have it set at.
The problem I am having is when it comes to trying to either add a folder or upload a file.
New Folder:
When I'm adding a folder an error is thrown stating:
Please correct the following errors.
Permission denied.
Now the permissions for the folder are fine. I don't understand why it won't allow me to upload files here.
drwxr-xr-x 2 naytive naytive 4096 Jan 18 08:32 uploads/
Upload File:
Normally when uploading a file, the filebrowser upload screen appears with a timer to upload success, however when I try to upload a file it just refreshes the page with url ending
It is getting to the point where I will just remove the module because it isn't doing as it is set up to be.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I think the uploading files side of things is caused by the original file permissions also. If we fix this error then perhaps the upload will work too.
If you use it on a server with apache, then you must give apache right to write in this folder (chown