I am reading this color value from 3 different links and setting it as background color to some divs. What I am wondering is, if there is a better way to do it, where I won't have to repeat my self. For now its only color values but for the next step I have to read a json file which contains a lot more info. Thank you already!
$(function() {
$.getJSON("url", function(receiveStatusPravdev01){
var colorBox1 = receiveStatusPravdev01.status;
$('#box1').css('background', colorBox1);
$.getJSON("url", function(receiveStatusPravdev02){
var colorBox2 = receiveStatusPravdev02.status;
$('#box2').css('background', colorBox2);
$.getJSON("url", function(receiveStatusPravdev03){
var colorBox3 = receiveStatusPravdev03.status;
$('#box3').css('background', colorBox3);
You want it functional? Use a function
$(function() {
function loadAndSetColor(url, selector) {
$.getJSON(url, function(receiveStatusPravdev){
var colorBox = receiveStatusPravdev.status;
$(selector).css('background', colorBox);
loadAndSetColor("url", '#box1');
loadAndSetColor("url", '#box2');
loadAndSetColor("url", '#box3');