As far as you know, Card Manager (~ Security Domain) is the entity that is responsible for handling SELECT APDU commands. I need an applet to receive all the APDU commands (including SELECT APDU Commands). In the other words I need my applet to be SELECTED by default and always selected.
I know that I can make my applet, the "default selected" applet, but is there any way to make it "always selected" to make it receive all the APDU commands?
I guess the only way to do that is to take advantage of Delegated Management or making my applet a Security Domain. Am I right?
it is probably not possible. you will never be able to overrule the select command as this behaviour is a core part of the JCRE spec and there will always be the card manager selectable by its AID. Some card manufacturers have possibilities to disable the card manager but this is proprietary.
edit: the select command not possible to overrule is: