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how to create template pages using html javascript and css

So I use php for my website and use include/require to add my header and footer to each page but im trying to build an app using phonegap which only allows html css and javascript how do i build a template header and footer without using php

so i have 5 pages that need the same header and footer but different content

how do i do this if i cant use php? or can i? open to all suggestions


This is my header

page content

this is my footer



  • You can still call a script that generate html code on a special element,

    imagine you have a id #header on each page of your application that call your script which insert some greetings looking like this :

    document.getElementById("#header").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<h1>Hello there!</h1>");
    <div id="#header"></div>

    I have made something similar in past :

    const Component = function(props) {
      this.props = props;
      let _state = {};
      this.setState = state => (_state = state);
      this.getState = () => _state;
    class Factory extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
          template: this.setTemplate(this.props.template), //html
          action: this.props.template[this.props.action], // js
          templateState: this.props.action, // switch beetween html/js
          dom: {
            //dom elements
            header: document.querySelector("#header-pwd"),
            content: document.querySelector("#content-pwd"),
            info: document.querySelector("#info-pwd")
        this.clear(); // clear html
        this.getTemplate(); // insert template into dom
        this.getState().action(); // link onclick elements
      getTemplate() {
        const template = this.getState().template;
        const header = this.getState().dom.header;
        const content = this.getState().dom.content;
        const info = this.getState();
        header.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", template.header);
        content.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", template.content);
      setTemplate(template) {
        const getState = this.getState().templateState
          ? this.getState().templateState
          : this.props.action;
        const objectFilter = Object.keys(template)
          .filter(key => key[0] !== "_")
            key =>
                ? template[key][getState]
                : template[key]["_init"]
        return {
          header: objectFilter[0],
          content: objectFilter[1],
          info: objectFilter[2]
      clear() {
        const dom = Object.values(this.getState().dom);
        for (let parent of dom) {
          if (parent.firstChild === null) continue;
          while (parent.firstChild) {

    working with an object like this :

    const pageTemplate = {
      header: {
        _init: `<h1>my header</h1>`
      content: {
        _init: `<h1>my content</h1>`
      info: {
        _init: `<h1>my footer</h1>`
      _init: () => {
        /* your js logic like onclick action with your knew dom created */
    new Factory({ template: pageTemplate, action: "_init" });

    Your html :

    <div id="header-pwd"></div>
    <div id="content-pwd"></div>
    <div id="info-pwd"></div>