So I have to come up with a code that calculates depreciation using double diminishing method.
So far I got this code:
Scanner kbd = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Please enter asset number: ");
assetNum = kbd.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter initial purchase price: ");
purchPrice = kbd.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Please enter useful life of the asset (in years): ");
usefulLife = kbd.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Please enter the salvage value: ");
salvageVal = kbd.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Please enter the number of years of depreciation: ");
numYears = kbd.nextDouble();
ddRate = ((1.0 / usefulLife) * 2) * 100;
System.out.println("Asset No: " + assetNum);
System.out.printf("Initial Purchase Price: $%,.0f%n" , purchPrice);
System.out.printf("Useful Life: %.0f years%n" , usefulLife);
System.out.printf("Salvage Value: $%,.0f%n" , salvageVal);
System.out.printf("Double Declining Rate: %.0f%%%n" , ddRate);
System.out.printf("Number of Years: %.0f years%n" , numYears);
System.out.println("Year Yearly Accumulated Book");
System.out.println(" Depreciation Depreciation Value");
int year;
double yearlyDepr;
double accDepr;
double bookVal;
bookVal = purchPrice;
accDepr = 0;
year = 0;
while (bookVal >= salvageVal){
yearlyDepr = bookVal * (ddRate / 100);
accDepr = accDepr + yearlyDepr;
bookVal = bookVal - yearlyDepr;
System.out.printf("%d %,18.0f %,18.0f %,18.0f%n" , year, yearlyDepr, accDepr, bookVal);
The output looks good until the last row with a book value of 7,776 instead of the salvage value of 10,000.
Mines like this:
Should be like this:
Please help, I'm really stuck.
In your while loop you need to test if the new bookVal will be less than salvageVal and if so use the salvageVal
while (bookVal > salvageVal){ // also change
yearlyDepr = bookVal * (ddRate / 100);
accDepr = accDepr + yearlyDepr;
bookVal = bookVal - yearlyDepr;
if (bookVal < salvageVal) {
bookVal = salvageVal;
yearlyDepr = purchPrice - salvageVal;
System.out.printf("%d %,18.0f %,18.0f %,18.0f%n" , year, yearlyDepr, accDepr, bookVal);