We have an angular5 application with an embedded leaflet map. This map binds a popup to various points which in turn open a details component. This convoluted process works fine in chrome and firefox but is failing with an enigmatic "Syntax error" in Internet Explorer. You can view the app at: http://ptappdev.gisdata.mn.gov/ptappt
Click on any of the map markers and then click "view details".
In case it is a problem with javascript nested quotes I have tried a whole range of escaping patters. Still no luck. The code generating this popup is:
layer.bindPopup('<p>' + feature.properties[Object.keys(feature.properties)[0]] + '<br /><a target="_blank" href="' + feature.properties['park_home_page_url']
+ '">open website</a><br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" '
+ 'OnClick = "'
//+ 'alert('test');'
+ 'window['angularComponentRef'].zone.run(() => {window['angularComponentRef'].component.showResultDtlViaMapTip('
+ '"' + feature.properties['name'] + '",'
+ '"' + feature.properties['id'] + '",'
+ '"' + feature.properties['park_admin_id'] + '"'
+ ');})'
+ '" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; ">view details</a></p>'); // 1 initial load
}).addTo(this.map)//.on('click', this.onMarkerClick);
The resulting html is:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window['angularComponentRef'].zone.run(() => {window['angularComponentRef'].component.showResultDtlViaMapTip("Upper Sioux Agency State Park","530","spk00277");})" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;">view details</a>
Any ideas on whether this is a syntax error with zone or a problem with my nested quotes. Or perhaps something else entirely? I would be grateful for any assistance.
Arrow functions have been introduced in ES2015 and are not supported in Internet Explorer.
Your expression looks compatible with the use of a normal function
, so simply replacing your arrow function by a normal one should solve your syntax error while preserving functionality.