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Use a scope variable inside .success and .error

I want to use a scope variable $ when a request is done or failed. I tried to console it but it says undefined. How can I access a scope variable inside these syntax?

usiApp.controller('fieldController',['$scope','$window','$http','field','$timeout','Profile','Referrence',function ($scope,$window,$http,field,$timeout,Profile,Referrence)
$scope.DoSomething = function(){
  $scope.field.class = 'fieldController'; //class of php method
  $scope.field.method = 'DoSomething'; //name of php method
  $ = 'Ellsworth';
          if (data == true) {
              console.log($; //returns error this is the problem
          } else {
              console.log($; //returns error
      .error(function(data, status) {
          $scope.messages = data || "Request failed";
          $scope.status = status;
          console.log($; //returns error

My field.getdata service function:

usiServices.factory('field', function($http) {
return {
    getdata : function(option) {
        return $http({
            method: 'POST',
            url: 'php/field-route.php',
            headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
            data: $.param(option)


  • You missed $scope.field = {};.The line will create an empty object. After creating the object, then you can create property of the object($scope.field.class, $scope.field.method,$ As the object is not created, you are getting the undefined error. Add this $scope.field = {}; line before the following:

      $scope.field.class = 'fieldController'; //class of php method
      $scope.field.method = 'DoSomething'; //name of php method
      $ = 'Ellsworth';

    So, the final updated lines will be as follows:

      $scope.field = {};
      $scope.field.class = 'fieldController'; //class of php method
      $scope.field.method = 'DoSomething'; //name of php method
      $ = 'Ellsworth';