Using docx4j I'm adding multiple dynamically filled subTemplates to my main template.
I don't want to have page breaks inside those subTemplates (unless even a whole page is too small for one).
Therefore: If a subTemplate would break inside, I want to move the whole subTemplate to the next page.
How do I do this?
My code so far:
WordprocessingMLPackage mainTemplate = getWp();//ignore this method
List<WordprocessingMLPackage> projectTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
List<Project> projects = getProjects();//ignore this method
for (Project project : projects) {
WordprocessingMLPackage template = getWpProject();//ignore this method
//fill template with content from project
//Here's the part that will have to be changed I think:
//Since the projectTemplate only consists of tables I just added all its tables to the main template
for (WordprocessingMLPackage temp : projectTemplates){
List<Object> tables = doc.getAllElementFromObject(temp.getMainDocumentPart(), Tbl.class);
for (Object table : tables) {
If you can think of a way to change the .docx template with Word to achieve my goal feel free to suggest it.
And if you have suggestions for code improvement in general just write a comment.
I made this "workaround" that works nicely for me:
I count all rows together and also check if the text inside the rows breaks (with an approximate threshold).
Then I add the rows of each project up and as soon as there are too many rows I insert a break before the current project and start over.
final int maxRowCountPerPage = 44;
final int maxLettersPerLineInDescr = 55;
int totalRowCount = 0;
WordprocessingMLPackage mainTemplate = getWp();
//Iterate over projects
for (Project project : getProjects()) {
WordprocessingMLPackage template = this.getWpProject();
String projectDescription = project.getDescr();
//Fill template...
//Count the lines
int rowsInProjectDescr = (int) Math.floor((double) projectDescription.length() / maxLettersPerLineInDescr);
int projectRowCount = 0;
List<Object> tables = doc.getAllElementFromObject(template.getMainDocumentPart(), Tbl.class);
for (Object table : tables) {
List<Object> rows = doc.getAllElementFromObject(table, Tr.class);
int tableRowCount = rows.size();
projectRowCount += tableRowCount;
//System.out.println("projectRowCount before desc:" + projectRowCount);
projectRowCount += rowsInProjectDescr;
//System.out.println("projectRowCount after desc:" + projectRowCount);
totalRowCount += projectRowCount;
//System.out.println("totalRowCount: " + totalRowCount);
//Break page if too many lines for page
if (totalRowCount > maxRowCountPerPage) {
totalRowCount = projectRowCount;
//Add project template to main template
for (Object table : tables) {
If you notice a way to make the code nicer, let me know in a comment!