So I want the number to stay always stay between 0 and 359 even if it goes over to 360, 361, 362, 363... etc or under to -1, -2, -3, -4.. etc whenever I call any of the methods below. Say if it goes over to 360 I want it to change back to 0 etc and if it goes under to -1 I want it to change to 359 etc. I have this code and it works, but the problem is that if I change the decrease or increase of amount of the heading to more than 5 then I just have to keep making for else if statements. What is a better way to write the code in which it would take into account a higher increment or decrement of the heading?
heading = 3;
public void changeHeadingLeft() {
heading -= 5;
if (heading == -1) {heading = 359;}
else if (heading == -2) {heading = 358;}
else if (heading == -3) {heading = 357;}
else if (heading == -4) {heading = 356;}
else if (heading == -5) {heading = 355;}
heading = 358
public void changeHeadingRight() {
heading += 5;
if (heading == 360) {heading = 0;}
else if (heading == 361) {heading = 1;}
else if (heading == 362) {heading = 2;}
else if (heading == 363) {heading = 3;}
else if (heading == 364) {heading = 4;}
You can do it without using if and loops.
For increment, use:
(header + amt) % 360
For decrement, use:
(360 + header - (amt % 360)) % 360 //(amt % 360) incase amt > 360
Increase 5 to header:
(0 + 5) % 360 = 5
Increase 5 to header with overflow:
(360 + 5) % 360 = 5
Decrease 5 to header:
(360 + 100 - (5 % 360)) % 360 = 95
Decrease 5 to header with underflow:
(360 + 0 - (5 % 360)) % 360 = 355
Decrease 725 to header with underflow and with amt > 360:
(360 + 0 - (725 % 360)) % 360 = 355
You could add those as methods, then you don't have to remember when to use which. For exmaple:
class CircularNumber{
private static final int BOUND = 360;
private int header;
public void add(int amt){
header = (header + amt) % BOUND;
public void deduct(int amt){
header = (360 + header - (amt % BOUND)) % BOUND;
By applying modulus on the amount to deduct with 360 before deduction, there is no need to use a loop to keep on adding 360 to the header till it becomes positive.