Say if I populate a DataTable
with a SQL command like this:
SQLCmd.CommandText = @"select ID, Name, Date from TestTable1 where Date=@Date";
SqlDataAdapter SQLAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLCmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
Is it possible do a further query looking for something in another table which is also in dt
For example, do something like
select ID
from TestTable2
where TestTable2.ID = dt["ID"];
Something like that... assuming both TestTable1
and TestTable2
have a column ID
You could use linkserver to get the data at a time or else below code may help you out. Get all the IDs with "," separated and passed it to second query.
string ids = String.Join(",", dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field<int>("ID").ToString()).ToArray());
SQLCmd.CommandText = @"select ID from TestTable2 where ID in ("+@ID+")";
SqlDataAdapter SQLAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLCmd);
DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();