How to call dynamic function names across browsers ? I have seen some ways to do it but none as "elegant" as below. Issue is it is working in Chrome, but not in Firefox and not in Safari.
If I call
const component = "a";
this[component]() // console: Called a
this[`${component}`]() // console: Called a
On Chrome it works fine, the function is called correctly. On Firefox it says
TypeError: this[("" + component)] is not a function
How should I do if I want to achieve this ?
EDIT to add more context
Framework is React.
export default class MyComp extends Component {
a() {
console.log("Called a");
b() {
console.log("Called b");
c() {
console.log("Called c");
renderAThing(component) {
return this[component]();
render() {
return this.renderAThing("a");
If I call directly thiscomponent in the render() it works.
EDIT 2 It seems that this is a transpilation issue and not a browser issue. As you pointed out, the code is valid for Chrome and Firefox. I am using React alongside Meteor and Babel. Thanks @Jaromanda X for the hint.
FYI, the minified (=production) Meteor code is also not working on Chrome.
As this is not a browser issue but a transpilation one, I ended up handling it in a totally different way. It goes like this :
export default class DateTimePicker extends Component {
getComponentValue(component) {
const { value } = this.props; // React properties
if (!value) return null;
if (component === "a") return value.getA();
if (component === "b") return value.getB();
return null;
renderA(component) {
const componentValue = this.getComponentValue(component);
return (
render() {
return (
I am not really satisfied but I guess it's OK for now.