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Parse plain text and generate a csv in android

In my Android project I have a plain text in put from a edittext field like below,

1. Who is superhero?
a) Spiderman
b) Batman
c) Ironman

& etc, multiple questions and answers; this plain text needs to be parsed and each value i.e; questions, each individual answer choices needs to be updated in to individual row cells of a csv file like below,

csv snapshot

Any help or inputs on how to achieve this would be much appreciated.


  • Simply split your text into lines, every 4 lines you have a question. Simply parse each line and make a csv line by separating the values with a comma

    private String parse(String text) {
        // create the header line
        StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder("Sl No,Question,Option A,Option B,Option C");
        // get every line in an array
        String[] array = text.split("\n");
        // for every 4 lines
        for(int i=0; i<array.length; i = i+4) {
            String question = array[i];
            String optionA = array[i+1];
            String optionB = array[i+2];
            String optionC = array[i+3];
            String questionNo = question.substring(0, question.indexOf(".")).trim();
            String questionText = question.substring(question.indexOf(".")+1).trim();
            String optionAText = optionA.substring(optionA.indexOf(" ")).trim();
            String optionBText = optionB.substring(optionB.indexOf(" ")).trim();
            String optionCText = optionC.substring(optionC.indexOf(" ")).trim();
            // build the corresponding csv line
            String csvLine = questionNo+","+questionText+","+optionAText+","+optionBText+","+optionCText;
        return csv.toString();

    Assuming this input text:

        String text =
                "1. Who is superhero?\n" +
                "a) Spiderman\n" +
                "b) Batman\n" +
                "c) Ironman\n" +
                "2. question 2\n" +
                "a) answer 1\n" +
                "b) answer 2\n" +
                "c) answer 3";
        String csv = parse(text);

    it returns the following String

    Sl No,Question,Option A,Option B,Option C
    1,Who is superhero?,Spiderman,Batman,Ironman
    2,question 2,answer 1,answer 2,answer 3