I'm trying to integrate OpenContrail as SDN Controller with an existing OpenStack installation.
Before this choice i also read the OpenDaylight project documentation for the ODL Installation on an existing OpenStack. I learnt that, before the installation, I should ensure OpenStack network state is clean.
OpenContrail documentation doesn't refer to this kind of requirements.
The question is: Do I need to ensure OpenStack network state is clean before integrate OpenContrail with an existing Openstack?
I discovered that:
"After its integration, Contrail will ignore all information in the neutron db. Any incoming neutron api call will be translated to a contrail-api call.
Contrail itself does not use the Mysql database but has its own (Cassandra) databases
So any router/subnet/network/interface etc object that currently exists in the neutron/mysql database is ignored.
That basically means you will need to re-create each object that you are using with neutron".