I have tried to resolve by adding missing/unnecessary jar's but nothing works for me. if you know how to resolve this issue then kindly help... Thank you in advance.
I am using JDK 9.0.4 installed in this IDE Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen December 2017
Windows 10
Servlet 4.0
JSP 2.3
JSTL tags
Eclipse is facing some bugs in IDE 4.7 it is not fully compitable with JDK 9 like in with JDK 9 IDE is not generating toString()
function also...
so i change the JDK 9 to jdk 8.1 and it solves all the problem.
to change the JDK...
Window > Preferences > Installed JREs >>> Change the JDK 9 to JDK xx
Right Click Project > Properties > JRE > Edit >>> YOUR ALTERNATIVE JDK xx
This had solved my problem.