I have a Specflow feature like this:
Given A date of 1,1,2018
When I use "Generate step definitions" a method is produced like this:
[Given(@"A date of (.*),(.*)")]
public void GivenADateOf(Decimal p0, int p1)
How do I change the method to accept three parameters? i.e.
public void GivenADateOf(int p0, int p1, int p2)
Also say I wanted to change the feature to this:
Given A date of 1/1/2018
How do I change the method to accept one parameter? i.e.
public void GivenADateOf(datetime p0)
I am new to Specflow. I have looked here: How does specflow handle multiple parameters? among other places.
SpecFlow allows to specify different regular expressions for catching arguments.
For the first option I would use:
[Given(@"A date of ([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)")]
public void GivenADateOf(int day, int month, int year)
For the second option I would use regular expression that corresponds to your date format. For example:
[Given(@"A date of (.*)")]
public void GivenADateOf(DataTime dataTime)