I have this code
$string = "23 asdasdasdasd.sma(33) asda sdas asd 23 2 3 54232 23d asd";
$reg = "??";
preg_match($reg, $string, $matches);
I want to get this number: 33
Because you are calling preg_match()
in your code and your input data only has one target number available, you can accurately use this fastest/briefest pattern:
(Pattern Demo) (5 steps & no capture groups & no lookarounds)
Pattern Breakdown:
~ #pattern delimiter
\( #match (
\K #restart the fullstring match (forget previously matched characters)
\d+ #match one or more digits greedily
~ #pattern delimiter
*to be clear, I want to state that I my pattern assumes that the number that immediately follows the (
WILL BE followed by a )
. This is what the sample input provides.
If the )
needs to be matched to maintain accuracy, then a capture group (Tim's way) will be the next most efficient way. All correct patterns that use lookarounds will be slower than correct patterns without.