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Telerik RadEditor Add Snippets to Include JavaScript

I am trying to add some JavaScript to a Telerik RadEditor Snippets. The following code adds it to the RadEditor and works.

When I run it and add the snippet to the RadEditor, it adds it. When I inspect the Video, the HTML elements shows the and below that the JavaScript code I added with snippet as well.

if (indVideoLink != null)
    "<video id=\"azuremediaplayer\" class=\"azuremediaplayer amp - default- skin amp - big - play - centered\" tabindex=\"0\"></video>\"" +
    "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var myOptions = {\"nativeControlsForTouch\": false,controls: true,autoplay: true,width: \"640\",height: \"400\",}" +
    "myPlayer = amp(\"azuremediaplayer\", myOptions);myPlayer.src([{\"src\":" + 
    "\"" + indVideoLink + "\",\"type\":  \"appication/" + 
    "}]);" +

<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" Runat="server" Content='<%# Bind("InductionNotes") %>' 
ToolsFile="~/intranet/OHS/Tools.xml"  Width="800px" Height="400px" ContentAreaCssFile="~/Intranet/OHS/ContentEditor.css" OnLoad="RadEditor1_Load">

But then I save it to InductionNotes using a Command Button and it only saves the <video></video> and its contents. How do I get the `RadEditor' to save the JavaScript?

The Tools.xml file contains the following in Snippet

<tool name="InsertSnippet"/>

I thought I might have add something to the Tools.xml file but I am not sure.

I should add that the RadGrid is in a DetailsView and everthing else is saving and working correctly.


  • The solution is this line of code which disables the RemoveScripts filter which is enabled by default.
