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Javafx calling javascript to excute java function in webview not working

According to the JavaFX docs, you can execute Java code with JavaScript function. Below is my code:

engine = webview.getEngine();
openExcel callback = new openExcel();
JSObject window = (JSObject) engine.executeScript("window");
window.setMember("app", callback);

The above is in the initialize method, then for the other class(openExcel) I've got something like this:

public class openExcel {

    public void open() {
        if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
            try {
                File myFile = new File("C:\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\v3.01.xlsm");
            } catch(IOException ex) {
                System.out.println("Your application is not support");


HTML file:

            function openExcel() {
                alert('hello world');
        <button onclick="openExcel()">Open excel</button>

The problem that I'm facing is that when I click in the button "openExcel" it does nothing? I need help!


  • I've tried to reproduce your problem and it seems like your bridge is throwing error/message and you can't see the output. I used your code to create a simple test with JavaScript message listener:

    public class WebEngineTest extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            WebConsoleListener.setDefaultListener((webView, message, lineNumber, sourceId) -> {
                System.out.println(message + "[at " + lineNumber + "]");
            WebView webView = new WebView();
            WebEngine engine = webView.getEngine();
            engine.loadContent("<html><head><script>function openExcel() {; alert('hello world'); } </script></head><body><button onclick=\"openExcel()\">Open excel</button></body></html>");
            JSObject window = (JSObject) engine.executeScript("window");
            window.setMember("app", new OpenExcel());
            Scene scene = new Scene(webView, 300, 150);
        public class OpenExcel {
            public void open() {
                if (!Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Desktop is not supported");
                try {
                    File myFile = new File("C:\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\v3.01.xlsm");
                    // File myFile = new File("C:\\Users\\dzikoysk\\Desktop\\panda.txt");
                } catch(IOException ex) {
                    System.out.println("Your application is not support");

    If I remove System.out.println(message + "[at " + lineNumber + "]"); and file does not exist or desktop is not supported then nothing happens but with the message listener:

    Console Exception Preview

    So I've updated myFile to new File("C:\\Users\\dzikoysk\\Desktop\\panda.txt"); that exists on my PC and now everything works:

    App Preview

    Anyway, in your code </html> tag is missing. In some older versions of WebEngine it can also cause problems, be careful with details like that - the engine has a lot of bugs and not implemented features.