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Amazon web services AWS: how to host java app, assign custom domain, custom domain name doesn't work properly

I have a site hosted here:

The site contains an index.jsp and a someservlet.

In cabinet I tried: to set nameservers and to set url forwarding to The former doesn't work: I set the nameservers as the screen shows and when trying to access it is just blank. URL forwarding however works, and it does display the main page, but when I try to access it still displays the index.jsp message.

How do I fix it? By specifying nameservers, rather than url forwarding? But then it doesn't work too..

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  • OK, so after lots of googling and trying out, I managed to make it work. I hope it will help future readers.

    What I have done to deploy my java application in the custom domain in the Internet:

    1. Get free domain in
    2. Create a key pair (don't know if it's necessary, just in case):
      2.1. Go to Amazon Web Services - Services - EC2 - Key Pairs - Create Key Pair

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

      2.2 Pick a some key_name for the key, save a file on your computer

    3. Create an application and environment on AWS

      3.1 Go to Amazon Web Services - Services - Elastic Beanstalk - Create New Application

      enter image description here

      enter image description here

      3.2 Proceed to create new application, click next unless forced to fill something out; pick tomcat as a web server along the way; when come to a form where there's a Key label - pick an existing key with a name you assigned to it previously.

    Pick a name - Next - Create Web Server - Select platform Tomcat - Next - Upload you .war file - Next - if you don't need a DB, click Next - set EC2 key pair to the key_name - Next - don't do anything with Environment Tags - Next - Next - Launch

    3.3 Your application is lanched; you can see it at Elastic Beanstalk dashboard and you can see the running environment at Services - EC2 - Instances:

    enter image description here

    1. Create IP address:

      4.0 Go to Services - EC2 - Instances. Check the IPv4 Public IP column. If there's already an address there, go to point 5. If it's empty go to 4.1.

      4.1 Go to Services - EC2 - Elastic IPs: enter image description here

      4.2 Click Allocate New Address:

      enter image description here

      4.3 Pick it and click Actions - Associate Address - Select your app's instance - Associate:

      enter image description here

    2. Set up Route 53:

      5.1 Go to Services - Route 53: enter image description here

      5.2 Go to Hosted Zones:

      enter image description here

      5.3 Click Create Hosted Zone:

      enter image description here

      5.4 Add your site's name to the form on the right (for instance,,, whatever):

      enter image description here

    There appears a table with two record sets for your hosted zones: NS and SOA record sets.

    5.5 Click on NS record set and copy paste nameservers from Value to your registrat's settings:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    5.6 Go to Services - Elastic Beanstalk, find your application - copy URL value:

    enter image description here

    Go back to Route 53, Click Create Record Set. Choose Type: A, Alias: yes, in the Alias target paste the URL. Click Create:

    enter image description here

    5.7 Click Create Record Set. Set name: www. Set type: CNAME. Set value to your_site_name.your_domain (for instance,, click Create:

    enter image description here

    1. It's done! Chances are, your_site_name is working.