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VBA : Sumifs returning zero

I have a big problem with my script VBA, I want to create a script VBA which will enable to make the sum of some cells on a sheet and to display them on another sheet according to some criteria.
But the function SumIfs is returning zero value.

This is my script:

If Worksheets("Test").Range("B2").Text = Worksheets("Nomen").Range("K3").Text Then
    Worksheets("Test").Range("C23").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("H2:H174"), Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("B2:B174"), Worksheets("Nomen").Range("K3"), Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("J2:J174"), Worksheets("Test").Range("C2")
End If




  • You are trying to sum text hence zero.

    I put into variables to make easier to debug.

    Sub test()
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Dim sumRange As Range
    Set sumRange = wb.Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("H2:H174")
    Dim critRange1 As Range
    Set critRange1 = Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("B2:B174")
    Dim crit1 As Variant
    crit1 = Worksheets("Nomen").Range("K3")
    Dim critRange2 As Range
    Set critRange2 = Worksheets("DETAILS").Range("J2:J174")
    Dim crit2 As Variant
    crit2 = Worksheets("Test").Range("C2")
     MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(sumRange, critRange1, crit1, critRange2, crit2)
    End Sub

    If I fill each range with 1 and also try to match on one I get 174 back. If I populate sumRange with "A", in the same way you have used text, I get 0. i.e. if I replace all the 1's with A.