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Reading binary file in vhdl

I want to get access to binary file content pixel of image from ENVI logiciel :size (100*100) pixel coded each pixel in 16 bits in vhdl.

 library IEEE;
    USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
    Use ieee.numeric_bit.ALL;

    library std;
    use std.textio.all;

    entity image_bin is
    end entity;

    architecture behavioral of image_bin is
    type image is array(0 to 99,0 to 99) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal image(i,j):bit_vector(15 downto 0);

      type t_file is file of bit_vector;
      file infile: text is in "C:\Users\hp\Desktop\file\T4.bin";
      variable pixel_image:bit_vector(15 downto 0);
         IF start'EVENT AND start = '1' THEN
         for i in to 99 loop
         for j in to 99 loop
         end loop;
         end loop;
         file_close (infile);
         end if;
         end process;


  • Way before you start coding VHDL for an FPGA, especially complex algorithms, you should do two things:

    • Learn basic VHDL
    • Understand the capabilities of FPGAs

    You can use file-I/O in VHDL to initialize FPGA memories (RAM/ROM) or in simulation constructs. But not in real-time data processing applications. As I say in the comments: A normal FPGA does not have file-I/O capabilities in a hardwired block. If you want something like this, it is probably best to use a microcontroller/CPU or us a SOC FPGA, which has a hard-wired ARM core on board and perform this in software. But when you're there, why use a an FPGA at all?

    Mistakes in your code

    There are several programming mistakes in your code, which could have easily been prevented if you'd followed some tutorial.

    With the first mistake, I am questioning if you have any programing experience. You define a type, and next you probably want define an object of that new type. But instead you type some illegal code:

    signal image(i,j) : bit_vector(15 downto 0);

    How would the parser know what i and j is? You don't define them until the declaration part of the code. Secondly, why are you suddenly using bit_vector, while you were using std_logic_vector just before?

    Example of how it should be:

    type [type name] is [type details];
    signal [object name] : [type name] := [optional initialization details];

    Next mistake: the process has no sensitivity list. A process statement is the start of a sequential processing block. Without any sensitivity list, it automatically starts. That's a problem: nothing blocks this, thus the process will try to loop infinitely within an infinitesimal time. This will of course cause problems. Solution: use the sensitivity list.

    [label:] process ([trigger signal names])
    end process;

    Internally the process actually has a trigger condition: start'event and start='1'... Where's this start coming from? Probably missing an input port on the entity? But this start should be the trigger for your process.

    How then?

    What you can do, is read a file and initialize an array. (Please note that multi-dimensional arrays are not supported in synthesis, as there is no such thing as multi-dimensional RAM, so you will have to flatten your array and perform some index arithmetic). For the next example, I created a file "test.bin" and filled it with the string "12345678" = 8 characters = 8*8 bit = 256 bit = 2*2*16 bit -> good for a 2 by 2 array.

    Then you should realize that the textio package can only read text! So the easiest is to read every 8 bits as a character and then concatenate two to form a 16-bit value.

    Example code:

    entity read_bin is end entity;
    library ieee;
    architecture behavioral of read_bin is
        use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
        subtype data_type is std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        type two_dim_array_type is array(0 to 1, 0 to 1) of data_type;
        impure function init_two_dim_array return two_dim_array_type is
            use std.textio.all;
            type character_file is file of character;
            file file_pointer : character_file;
            variable upper : character;
            variable lower : character;
            variable output : two_dim_array_type;
            use ieee.numeric_std.all;
            file_open(file_pointer, "test.bin", READ_MODE);
            for i in 0 to 1 loop
                for j in 0 to 1 loop
                    read(file_pointer, upper); -- first 8 bits
                    read(file_pointer, lower); -- second 8 bits
                    output(i, j) := 
                end loop;
            end loop;
            return output;
        end function;
        signal two_dim_array : two_dim_array_type := init_two_dim_array;
    end architecture;


    Modelsim output

    The big question

    The big question for me is: how come you get a PhD position in telecommunication and embedded system when you make these programming mistakes? Or lacking knowledge om the capabilities of FPGAs. I'm a PhD candidate Electrical Engineering myself and this is stuff we teach our first-year bachelors students. When I wanted my PhD position, I went through a few rounds of assessments, where my knowledge was extensively tested. There's a lot of competition going on for these positions.

    My advice: Please get some local support for realizing this. You don't want to spend the next 3 years of your PhD trying to learn VHDL to an adequate level and then finding out you only have 1 year to do some actual research to be able to publish results...