I am trying to get prerender working on both local and prod. I feel like I have tried all implementations. I am still getting no static html in the body when using: ?_escaped_fragment_= at the end of the URL.
Here is my current Meteor implementation:
Meteor.startup(() => {
var prerenderio = Npm.require('prerender-node');
var token;
var serviceUrl;
var protocol;
var settings = Meteor.settings.PrerenderIO;
token = process.env.PRERENDERIO_TOKEN || (settings && settings.token);
protocol = process.env.PRERENDERIO_PROTOCOL || (settings && settings.protocol);
// service url (support `prerenderServiceUrl` (for historical reasons) and `serviceUrl`)
serviceUrl = settings && (settings.prerenderServiceUrl || settings.serviceUrl);
serviceUrl = process.env.PRERENDERIO_SERVICE_URL || serviceUrl;
if (token) {
if (serviceUrl) prerenderio.set('prerenderServiceUrl', serviceUrl);
prerenderio.set('prerenderToken', token);
if (protocol) prerenderio.set('protocol', protocol);
prerenderio.set('afterRender', function afterRender(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('prerenderio error', error); // eslint-disable-line no-console
I have my settings file set up as so:
"PrerenderIO": {
"serviceUrl": "http://localhost:3033/",
"token": "mytoken"
Same for prod but without the serviceUrl. I did get the prerender server up and the page renders....but its still the default Meteor script rendered page. I also tried: <script> window.prerenderReady = false; </script>
and then set it to true after my API content has loaded via our router (using ButterCMS for site content.
I have of course also added: <meta name="fragment" content="!">
to our sites head.
Prerender is still saying its not seen our token get used. I think I could be missing something obvious here....but not certain what it is.
That seems like the prerender middleware is not being run. Does Meteor leave the rawConnectHandlers in the order that they are added? Can you try this:
WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use(function(req, res, next) {
console.log('before prerender:', req.url)
And see if you see any output in your logs for that showing what the incoming URL looks like. If you are accessing the ?_escaped_fragment_=
URL, you should see get printed in that console.log statement.
Feel free to email us at support@prerender.io with a URL if you'd like us to help test.