for (int i = 1; i != 9; ++i)
std::cout << i << std::endl;
The header of a for loop statement consists of three parts: an init-satement, a condition and an expression. In the case above, the init-statement is int i = 1;
Seems it is illegal to include a statement with a comma operator as the init-statement.
for ( (int i , cin >> i) ; i != 9; ) // 2 Erros
std::cout << i << std::endl;
For the example above, I've received 2 error warnings
(int i , cin >> i) ; i != 9;) Error: Expected primary-expression before 'int'
(int i , cin >> i) ; i != 9;) Error: i' was not declared in this scope
Can someone please explain to me what's the reason for the bug?
Simple: that first statement must be a declaration statement.
You likewise cannot write:
int main()
(int i , cin >> i);
There is no "comma operator" there, just a syntax error, because that is not how C++ works.