I'm trying to index an image when it is created. I thought it would be as easy as:
val saveLocation = CompletableDeferred<String>()
saveLocation.onAwait { loc:String ->
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(applicationContext, arrayOf(loc), null, null)
But it says Expression onAwait of type SelectClause1<String> cannot be invoked as a function
so maybe I'm using it wrong? Is there a way to register a function to be called when the CompletableDeferred finishes?
is a property which returns SelectClause1<T>
So you would use something like this
val clause = saveLocation.onAwait
clause.registerSelectClause1( // your args here)
But, if you want the result of the deferred why don't you just start a coroutine and call await
launch {
val result = saveLocation.await()
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(applicationContext, arrayOf(result), null, null)