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Extract JSON Payload with Citrus Framework

I am trying to get some information from JSON responses using Citrus Framework, but I am not sure of how does the .extractFromPayload method works. For example, I make a GET request and the JSON response is:


So the question is how can I get one of those keys? And if I need only the alphanumerical part, i.e 7635a8e95e1b707d, how can I parse it?.

Thank you very much!


  • The payload is a JSON array of Strings. You are able to access a value in that array using JsonPath expression and extractFromPayload method. After extracting the whole value as a test variable using JsonPath you may use a Citrus function like citrus:substring()or citrus:substringAfter() in a second operation.

        .extractFromPayload("$.[0]", "foo");
    echo("citrus:substringAfter(${foo} ,'.')");