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Grand Total in the table with pagination

I have a problem with Pentaho CDE. I would like to add a row to the table component with a total of numeric column, but the code, that I found, works only with one page of the table. When I set Pagination on True, the Total is calculated only for the first page. I want to reach a value for all of the rows without dependence on the number of page.

Here's the code:

function f() {
    var grandTotalRow = "<tfoot><tr><td>Suma</td>";

  for(i=1;i<2;i++) {
        var total=0;
         var rows = $('#' + this.htmlObject + ' tbody tr');

          rows.each(function() {
            var cellVal = parseFloat($('td:eq('+i+')', this).text().replace(',',''));


        grandTotalRow += "<td>"+total.toFixed(0);+"</td>";
          grandTotalRow += "</tr></tfoot>";
          if($('#'+this.htmlObject+' tfoot').length===0)


(source: )

I would be grateful for all of the advices!


  • Another way to handle totals in the table component is to add a total row to the resultset in the PostFetch function. But the totals will only be visible on the last page and sorting should be inactive with this method.

    function f(d) {
     d.queryInfo.totalRows = d.resultset.length+1 + "";
     var total = new Array("Total",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," ");
     d.resultset.forEach(function (row){
        row.forEach(function (c,i){
            if (i!==0 && i!==9){
                total[i] = total[i]+c;
     return d;

    You can format this total row in the PostExecution function by applying a CSS class to the last row.

    function f() {
      if ($('#'+this.htmlObject+'Table tr:last td:first-child').text() == 'Total') {
        $('#'+this.htmlObject+'Table tr:last').attr("class","tableTot");