I've recently seen this message:
This product is deprecated and will no longer be supported on May 31st, 2018. If you are starting a new project you should use deep links to m.uber.com. See the migration guide on how to link to the latest Uber rider experience. Here's a screenshot of this message
Keeping in mind that this widget offers these functionalities(as does the REST API):
Selecting a service (e.g., uberX, UberBlack, etc.)
Specifying pickup and dropoff locations
Viewing time and price estimates
Requesting a ride
Will the Rest API be somehow affected by this change?
Will I be able to further make requests like these ones?
GET /v1.2/estimates/price
GET /v1.2/history
GET /v1.2/places/{place_id}
I'm not an Uber representative, and I really kind of feel that asking support from a vendor is the way to go for a vendor specific thing. However, when I read that message and screenshot they are clearly talking about a widget, not a REST api.