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What is TFS alternative for JIRA "fix version"

Starting a work on project where they already use TFS, and I`m trying to make some changes in the process.

I` m used to JIRA and "fix version" field which I made mandatory field in transition from "TESTED" -> "DONE" on my previous project and all made super-sense.

I didn´t find something like that in TFS (I´m usinig it only for one day) and would like to know if anyone can help me if this? I know that issues stay in iteration which was solved in... Should I let go and use iterations for this?

Kind regards, Nejc


  • After go through the Version concept in JIRA.

    You can use the JQL fixVersion field to search for a version's issues.

    The corresponding things in TFS are sprint / iteration.

    In work item filed area, there is also a filed called Iteration Path .

    Iteration paths allow you to group work into sprints, milestones, or other event-specific or time-related period. Iteration path is also hierarchical you can create nodes that represent Releases or Milestones.

    If this not 100% meet your requirement, you could simply add a custom field for the data that you want to track. How to do this in TFS, please refer: Add or modify a field to track work