Question: How do I set method priority in TestNG XML rather than adding it at class.method level with priority tag?
I tried finding out answer for this but I was not able to find this specific point anywhere.
Use Case: I can generating TestNG XML Programatically and invoking test methods based on the given method names written in an external file as a datasource.
I think there is more than one way to do this. Using a listener that implements Annotation Transformer is one of them. You can do something like this:
public class SetPriorityListener implements IAnnotationTransformer {
public void transform(final ITestAnnotation annotation, final Class testClass,
final Constructor constructor, final Method method) {
if ("myTestName".equals(method.getName())) {
private int getTestPriority() {
//logic to get priority for this test
return 0;
You can read more about AnnotationTransformer in the official documentation: