I am playing around with monitoring stuff. For that I like to monitor pins etc. on a regular base. The monitoring app should run in user space and be written in C/C++. I am looking for a good practice how to approach this field of problems generally.
There is a good answer about using timers already here. My question is more general nature. Are timers the best solutions or maybe a wait for a semaphore with a timeout? etc.
I put some pseudo code as a base for the discussion:
// sample with 1kHz
#define fs 1000
// sample time
#define Ts 1.0/fs
// sample data structure
typedef struct sampleStruct {
struct timespec ts;
int sampleData[10];
} sampleType;
void monitorCallback(sampleType * pS) {
void sampleThread() {
sampleType s;
struct timespec workingtime;
for (;;) {
// get a timestamp
timespec_get(&(s.ts), TIME_UTC);
// sample data
// try to measure the time we spent for obtaining the sample
timespec_get(&workingtime, TIME_UTC);
// try to minimize the jitter by correcting the sleeping time
sleep(Ts - (workingtime - s.ts));
I am looking for solutions, to sample signals etc. periodically, like to detect/measure the jitter in between two samples and use a function for obtaining the sample signal data.
Any ideas are welcome!
use the function: setitimer()
here is simple example:
struct itimerval tv;
tv.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
tv.it_interval.tv_usec = 100000; // when timer expires, reset to 100ms
tv.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
tv.it_value.tv_usec = 100000; // 100 ms == 100000 us
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tv, NULL);
And catch the timer on a regular interval by using struct sigaction
Here is a simple example of using: struct sigaction
struct sigaction psa;
psa.sa_handler = pSigHandler; // << use the name of your signal hander
sigaction(SIGTSTP, &psa, NULL);
and here is a simple implementation of the function: pSigHandler()
static void pSigHandler(int signo)
switch (signo)
Of course, for all the above to work, need the two following statements:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
There is a problem with the above code, There is a long list of functions that 'should' not be used in a signal handler. printf()
is one of the problematic functions. My suggest is just have the signal handler function set a flag and the main function watching that flag and when found 'set', reset it and perform the necessary activities.