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How to Copy a SQL Database With Partition and restore it in a Test Database

I have a stored procedure which will backup the SQL data base and restore it in a test Database. It was working fine, But When ever a database with Partition Its failing , Showing the follwing Error.

cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database 'OriginalDb'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.

So on... Its having many transaction logs files So each partitions it showing the errors messages

Below is the working stored Procedure for Other DBs

DECLARE   @SourceDatabaseName AS SYSNAME = 'orginalDb',

    @TargetDatabaseName AS SYSNAME = 'demo'
    declare @Disksize as bigint
    declare @Dbsize as bigint 
--========Checking the  C drive Size================
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ('orginalDb', 10);
SELECT  @Disksize= available_bytes/1048576
FROM sys.master_files AS f CROSS APPLY 
  sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)
group by volume_mount_point, total_bytes/1048576, 
SELECT @Dbsize = CONVERT(VARCHAR,SUM(size)*8/1024)
FROM        sys.databases   
JOIN        sys.master_files  
ON          sys.databases.database_id=sys.master_files.database_id   where ='orginalDb'
--================= END =============================
--========================Condition to disk c drive is more than 10 GB size==========================================
IF @Disksize >@Dbsize 
-- ==================================================
-- Define path where backup will be saved
-- ==================================================
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @SourceDatabaseName)
    RAISERROR ('Variable @SourceDatabaseName is not set correctly !', 20, 1) WITH LOG       
DECLARE @SourceBackupFilePath varchar(2000)
SELECT @SourceBackupFilePath = BMF.physical_device_name
    msdb.dbo.backupset B
    JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF ON B.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id
WHERE B.database_name = @SourceDatabaseName
ORDER BY B.backup_finish_date DESC
SET @SourceBackupFilePath = REPLACE(@SourceBackupFilePath, '.bak', '_clone.bak')
-- ==================================================
-- Backup source database
-- ==================================================
SET @Sql = 'BACKUP DATABASE @SourceDatabaseName TO DISK = ''@SourceBackupFilePath'''
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceDatabaseName', @SourceDatabaseName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceBackupFilePath', @SourceBackupFilePath)
SELECT 'Performing backup...', @Sql as ExecutedSql
EXEC (@Sql)
-- ==================================================
-- Automatically compose database files (.mdf and .ldf) paths
-- ==================================================
          @LogicalDataFileName as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @LogicalLogFileName as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @TargetDataFilePath as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @TargetLogFilePath as NVARCHAR(MAX)
    @LogicalDataFileName = name,
    @TargetDataFilePath = SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))) + '\' + @TargetDatabaseName + '.mdf'
FROM sys.master_files
    database_id = DB_ID(@SourceDatabaseName)        
    AND type = 0            -- datafile file
    @LogicalLogFileName = name,
    @TargetLogFilePath = SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))) + '\' + @TargetDatabaseName + '.ldf'
FROM sys.master_files
    database_id = DB_ID(@SourceDatabaseName)        
    AND type = 1            -- log file     
-- ============================================
-- Restore target database
-- ============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @TargetDatabaseName)
    RAISERROR ('A database with the same name already exists!', 20, 1) WITH LOG        
SET @Sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE @TargetDatabaseName
FROM DISK = ''@SourceBackupFilePath'' 
WITH MOVE ''@LogicalDataFileName'' TO ''@TargetDataFilePath'',
MOVE ''@LogicalLogFileName'' TO ''@TargetLogFilePath''' 
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetDatabaseName', @TargetDatabaseName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceBackupFilePath', @SourceBackupFilePath)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@LogicalDataFileName', @LogicalDataFileName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetDataFilePath', @TargetDataFilePath)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@LogicalLogFileName', @LogicalLogFileName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetLogFilePath', @TargetLogFilePath)
SELECT 'Restoring...', @Sql as ExecutedSql
EXEC (@Sql)
print 'Restoring failed';


Please copy this storedprocedure and check with partitioned Databases, (it wont work ) But working with other dbs .
Where I need to Make changes? Does it possible to restore a partioned DB to another DB ? Thanks in advance!


  • Your finally code should look like this:

    RESTORE DATABASE TargetDatabaseName FROM DISK = '...' 
    WITH MOVE 'LogicalDataFileName' TO 'D:\WINCAP\demo.mdf', 
         MOVE 'LogicalLogFileName' TO 'D:\WINCAP\demo.ldf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ss2014_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\dem.ndf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ss2015_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\demccc.ndf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ss2016_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\demccdc.ndf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ss2017_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\dems.ndf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ss2018_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\de.ndf', 
         MOVE 'Boces_ssFinal_Part' TO 'D:\WINCAP\dems.ndf'

    Your code is incorrect in some place but I have no idea where.

    Maybe you miss a comma here before move if you pasted exactly the same code you executed:

    ''D:\WINCAP\dems.ndf'' MOVE 

    To find out where you should PRINT your code and check it before execution:

    print @Sql

    Once printed your code, copy-paste it in SSMS query window and parse it, if there is any error it will be evidenced by SSMS.

    Only then do your exec(@Sql)