I'm configuring Stackdriver-agent in GCE VM to monitor Cassandra metrics. (based on GCP guide: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/agent/plugins/cassandra)
I used the default setting of the link above, and they work fine. However, one metric I added doesn't work with the following error.
I tried gauge or counter for Type and Value or Count for Attribute. However, either of them doesn't work well.
Any suggestion, please.
Feb 19 23:14:08 pgxxxxxxx1 collectd[16917]: write_gcm: Server response (CollectdTimeseriesRequest) contains errors: { "payloadErrors": [ { "index": 161, "valueErrors": [ { "error": { "code": 3, "message": "Unsupported collectd id: plugin: \"cassandra\" type: \"gauge\" type_instance: \"cache_key_cache-hitrate\"" } } ] } ] }
Config (added KeyCache-Hitrate metrics to the original config in the guide)
Connection part:
# When using non-standard Cassandra configurations, replace the below with
#ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://CASSANDRA_HOST:CASSANDRA_PORT/jmxrmi"
ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7199/jmxrmi"
InstancePrefix "cassandra"
User "cassandra"
Password "xxxxxxxx"
Collect "cassandra_storageservice-load"
Collect "cassandra_Cache_KeyCache-Hits"
Collect "cassandra_Cache_KeyCache-HitRate" <===== Added line
Collect "cassandra_DroppedMessage_MUTATION-Dropped"
Collect "cassandra_DroppedMessage_READ-Dropped"
MBean part:
<MBean "cassandra_Cache_KeyCache-HitRate">
ObjectName "org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Cache,scope=KeyCache,name=HitRate"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "cache_key_cache-hitrate"
Table false
Attribute "Value"
My environment stackdriver-agent 5.5.2-379.sdl.stretch cassandra 3.11.1
Following the guide for custom metrics and , I could solve my issue.
Also need to be authorized to access to monitoring. (Follow IAM guide).
sample code of mine
code to create custom metrics client_request_read-latency-1minrate.py
from google.cloud import monitoring
client = monitoring.Client() descriptor = client.metric_descriptor( 'custom.googleapis.com/cassandra/client_request/latency/1minrate', metric_kind=monitoring.MetricKind.GAUGE, value_type=monitoring.ValueType.DOUBLE, labels=[monitoring.label.LabelDescriptor("operation", description="The storage operation name.")], description='Cassandra read latency rate for 1 minitue', display_name='Read latency 1 minutes rate') descriptor.create()
cassandra plugin example (following 2-1 and 2-2 in the same config file) 2-1. cassandra plugin example part 1 in
<MBean "cassandra_custom_ClientRequest_Read-Latency">
ObjectName "org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ClientRequest,scope=Read,name=Latency"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "client_request_read-latency-1minrate"
Table false
Attribute "OneMinuteRate"
# When using non-standard Cassandra configurations, replace the below with
#ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://CASSANDRA_HOST:CASSANDRA_PORT/jmxrmi"
ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7199/jmxrmi"
InstancePrefix "cassandra_custom"
User "cassandra user name"
Password "your password"
Collect "cassandra_custom_ClientRequest_Read-Latency"
2-2. cassandra plugin example part 2
<Chain "GenericJMX_cassandra_custom">
<Rule "rewrite_genericjmx_to_cassandra_custom">
<Match regex>
Plugin "^GenericJMX$"
PluginInstance "^cassandra_custom.*$"
<Target "set">
MetaData "stackdriver_metric_type" "custom.googleapis.com/cassandra/client_request/latency/1minrate"
MetaData "label:operation" "%{plugin_instance}"
<Target "replace">
MetaData "label:operation" "cassandra_custom_" ""
<Rule "go_back">
Target "return"
<Chain "PreCache">
<Rule "jump_to_GenericJMX_cassandra_custom">
<Target "jump">
Chain "GenericJMX_cassandra_custom"
PreCacheChain "PreCache"
Official guide of Stackdriver monitoring manual is not easy to read and understand. I hope this will help..