I want to write convinient Color management class, that would allow me to use different orders of components and basically different setups. I want it to be distinguishable at compile-time. Lets say I have this code:
template <typename _valueType>
struct RGBAColorData {
using ValueType = _valueType;
union {
struct { ValueType r, g, b, a; };
ValueType components[4];
This (even if anonymous structs are non-standard) works fine, when I want to use it like this:
RGBAColorData color;
color.r = whatever;
However, this is not the final form of my code. I want it to have "owning" class template, that would in compile-time select between XYZColorData
. Lets say it looks like this:
template <typename _valueType, template <typename> _dataScheme>
struct Color
using ValueType = _valueType;
using DataScheme = _dataScheme<ValueType>;
// what now?
// DataScheme data; // ???
This makes a problem, because I want my code to be used like this:
using RGBAColorF = Color<float, RGBAColorData>;
RGBAColorF brushColor;
brushColor.r = whatever;
This would make a really convinient way to use colors, however I can't think of any solution to this problem. Finally, maybe I have wrong approach to this and maybe this can be done with less effort, however I can't think about any other method that wouldn't involve massive amount of template class specializations.
Finally, I decided to use inheritance (as Ben Voigt said).
I fixed the other problem, with unions that made code unsafe, using the brilliant method proposed by this answer: