Say, I'm in "Create Order" page, once I placed an order and saved it, "Jobs [0]" page will increment by 1 and display as "Jobs 1". Something like that.
I already saw some answers here at SO but it utilizes the activate method in which the user have to be in the page before it'll change the page title. Please advise
Below is my sidebar
Assume your sidebar menu was implemented like this.
repeat.for="row of router.navigation"
class.bind="row.isActive ? 'active' : ''"
You don't need to update the route's title itself.
You are tracking the total job count in your front-end code anyway, just show that variable after title of route "jobs".
repeat.for="row of router.navigation"
class.bind="row.isActive ? 'active' : ''"
>${row.title} <span if.bind=" == 'jobs'">[${jobCount}]</span></a>