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Jenkins DSL Pipeline: delete a job from its pipeline

I have a Jenkins pipeline job that (among other things) creates another pipelineJob (to cleanup everything afterwards) using Job DSL plugin.

pipeline {

    agent { label 'Deployment' }

    stages {
        stage('Clean working directory and Checkout') {
            steps {
                checkout scm

        // Complex logic omitted

        stage('Generate cleanup job') {
            steps {
                build job: 'cleanup-job-template',
                        parameters: [
                                string(name: 'REGION', value: "${REGION}"),
                                string(name: 'DEPLOYMENT_TYPE', value: "${DEPLOYMENT_TYPE}")

The thing is that I need this newly generated job to be built only once and then, if the build was successful, the job should be deleted.

pipeline {
   stages {
        stage('Cleanup afterwards') {
            // cleanup logic
    post { 
        success { 
            // delete this job?


I thought, that this can be done using Pipeline Post Action, but, unfortunately, I couldn't find any out-of-the-box solution for this. Is it possible to achieve this at all?


  • You can achieve this using the post Groovy and then you will need to write some groovy code in order to delete the job:

    #!/usr/bin/env groovy
    import hudson.model.*
    pipeline {
       agent none
       stages {
            stage('Cleanup afterwards') {
                // cleanup logic
                steps {
                    node('worker') {
                        sh 'ls -la'
       post { 
           success { 
               script {
                   jobsToDelete = ["<JOB_TO_DELETE"]
                   deleteJob(Hudson.instance.items, jobsToDelete)
    def deleteJob(items, jobsToDelete) {
        items.each { item ->
          if (item.class.canonicalName != 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder') {
            if (jobsToDelete.contains(item.fullName)) {

    Tested both cases and work on Jenkins 2.89.4