I use i18next to translate my components in separate repo. Now I need to use method from one component in my main project. This is example component:
class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
text: '',
this.resetText = this.resetText.bind(this);
resetText() {
text: '',
render() {
export default translate('components', { withRef: true })(ExampleComponent);
And now I need to use resetText in my main project, without translations it works fine
class MainComponent extends Component {
resetComponent() {
return () => this.exampleComponent.resetText();
renderExampleComponent() {
return (
ref={(exampleComponent) => { this.exampleComponent = exampleComponent; }}
render() {
return (
I tried this.refs.exampleComponent.resetText(); but it not works. In i18next documentation I found "withRef | store a ref to the wrapped component and access it by decoratedComponent.getWrappedInstance();" but where should I use this getWrappedInstance() to make it works? Someone have experience with this?
I think with the provided code, your ref returns a wrapper, so you need to call getWrappedInstance on it: this.refs.exampleComponent.getWrappedInstance().resetText();