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jQuery plugin pattern using "live"

I have red many articles about writing object oriented javascript code and developing jQuery plugin, so far so good, I understand how they work and I can create my own plugins.

But, there is one problem with all the articles ( even with official plugin authoring guide - ) - these all patterns don`t support "live".

Let`s take for example this pattern -

$.fn.myplugin = function(options)
   return this.each(function()
       var element = $(this);

       // Return early if this element already has a plugin instance
       if ('myplugin')) return;

       // pass options to plugin constructor
       var myplugin = new MyPlugin(this, options);

       // Store plugin object in this element's data'myplugin', myplugin);

There will be created new "MyPlugin" instance on each jQuery matching object.

How to change it (if it`s posible) so it would work on elements that are added in the future?



  • I’ve been using live with success in my plugins often as a custom option. Here's a trivial example that adds an alert to elements that are clicked:

    $.fn.clickAlert = function(settings) {
        settings = $.extend({live: false}, settings);
        function clickAlertFn() {
        if ( {
            return'click', clickAlertFn);
        } else {
    // this will only work on existing `a` elements with class foo
    // this will work on existing and future `a` elements with class bar
    $('').clickAlert({live: true});

    In this example anything that would work normally with $('...').live('click', ...') will work with $('...').clickAlert({live: true});

    One additional thing, most plugin designs have you do something like this:

    $ = function() {
        return $(this).each(function() {
            // code in here...

    Unfortunately, using live inside the each loop won't work.