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multiple checkbox click events

I have code that checks if every checkbox in a cell has been checked and if so changes the cells background color accordingly.

I have a sheet with 900 ActiveX check boxes on, with 18 check boxes per cell, and more may be added, i don't want to have to write 900 plus 'Private Sub CheckBox#_Click()' events. Is there a way to write once event for all of them?


  • Using VBA Class modules it is possible having members declared WithEvents. So one "event handler" can be established for multiple objects which can have events.

    Do creating a new class module and do naming it CBEvents. There do having the following code:

    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents oCB As MSForms.CheckBox
    Public Property Set CB(obj As MSForms.CheckBox)
     Set oCB = obj
    End Property
    Private Sub oCB_Click()
     MsgBox oCB.Caption & " was clicked."
    End Sub

    Note: Reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library must be added. Will be done automatically if you are inserting a UserForm.

    In a default code module do having the following code:

    Option Explicit
    Public aCBEvents() As CBEvents

    And in the code module of the sheet with the checkboxes in it do having the following code:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
     Dim oCBEvents As CBEvents
     Dim oleO As OLEObject
     Dim i As Long
     i = 0
     For Each oleO In Me.OLEObjects
      If TypeName(oleO.Object) = "CheckBox" Then
       Set oCBEvents = New CBEvents
       Set oCBEvents.CB = oleO.Object
       ReDim Preserve aCBEvents(i)
       Set aCBEvents(i) = oCBEvents
       i = i + 1
     End If
    End Sub

    Now every time the sheet will be activated the Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() runs and initiates one object of class CBEvents for each checkbox and puts this in the array aCBEvents. And after that, the click event will be handled from the Private Sub oCB_Click() of the class CBEvents.

    Note: After reopening the workbook, the sheet must be activated at least one times. So it would be good, if the sheet would not be the first one. Else you need deactivating and activating it at least one times.