I have some button on page, click command not navigate page.
Debug console writes "IsWindowModal" Any ideas to solve this? Thanks
GeckoElementCollection link2 = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input");
foreach (GeckoHtmlElement item in link2)
string aux = item.GetAttribute("onclick");
if (aux != null && aux != "" && aux.Contains("form1"))
You can trigger the 'onclick' event rather than trying to click programmatically.
string aux = item.GetAttribute("onclick");
if (aux != null && aux != "" && aux.Contains("form1"))
DomEventArgs ev = browser.Document.CreateEvent("MouseEvent");
Event webEvent = new Event(browser.Window.DomWindow, ev.DomEvent as nsISupports);
webEvent.InitEvent("click", true, false);