I need to run tests on an array of datas, and I can't find a way to do a soft assert in my step AND show the error at the correct step in the Serenity Report.
@Then("All my datas are correct")
public void verifyMyDatas(){
int[] myDataArray = new int[] {1,2,3,4};
for(int i = 0; i < myDataArray.length; i++){
And an example step :
@Step("Checking the value {0}")
public void myAwesomeValidator(int value){
//I need a soft assertion here
I tried using the assertj framework. But my problem with it is that the "All my datas are correct" step is correctly flagged as a FAILURE, but all the substeps "Checking the value X" are marked as SUCCESSes on Serenity's report.
my test code :
@Then("All my datas are correct")
public void verifyMyDatas(){
SoftAssertions softAssertion = new SoftAssertions();
int[] myDataArray = new int[] {1,2,3,4};
for(int i = 0; i < myDataArray.length; i++){
my mySteps.myAwesomeValidator(myDataArray[i], softAssertion); }
And the step :
@Step("Checking the value {0}")
public void myAwesomeValidator(int value, SoftAssertions softAssertion){
softAssertion.assertThat(value < 3).isTrue();
Edit : tried to clarify the problem with my attempt
I would try as()
to describe the assertion and not introduce a Step
to see if it works (I believe it should):
@Then("All my datas are correct")
public void verifyMyDatas(){
SoftAssertions softAssertion = new SoftAssertions();
int[] myDataArray = new int[] {1,2,3,4};
for(int i = 0; i < myDataArray.length; i++) {
myAwesomeValidator(myDataArray[i], softAssertion);
public void myAwesomeValidator(int value, SoftAssertions softAssertion){
// use as() to describe the assertion
.as("awesomely validate value %d", value);