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Eclipse PHP IDE annoyance

This is such a petty little issue, but it annoys the heck out of me. I'm using Eclipse Version: 3.3.0 (Build id: I20070625-1500). In particular, PHPeclipse

So here's the issue, when I'm within an echo " "; statement (typing some markup within the quotation marks to output) and hit return, Eclipse automatically terminates the line I'm on with:

" .

... and then precedes my cursor on the next line with:


This is not the behavior that I want. I'd prefer it simply didn't do this at all. But for the life of me I can't figure out where in the Eclipse preferences I can alter this behavior.

I realize there may be some out there who would argue in favor of this default behavior. I'm less interested in those arguments than I am in how to control this behavior of the IDE.


  • I'm not sure which exact setting it might be, but try Window->Preferences->PHP->Editor and either ->Code Assist or ->Typing. You might find something there that will help you change the setting. Edit: It might be the Automatically Close Strings checkbox under ->Typing.