I have subscribed to more than 300 Youtube channels in past 10 years, and now I have to clean my Youtube, unsubscribing all one by one will take some time, is there a way to unsubscribe all the cannels at once?
Step 1: Go to https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels and scroll to the bottom of the page to populate all items to the screen.
Step 2: Right-click anywhere on the page and click "Inspect Element" (or just "Inspect"), then click "Console", then copy–paste the below script, then hit return.
Step 3:
var i = 0;
var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 3000);
function myTimer () {
var els = document.getElementById("grid-container").getElementsByClassName("ytd-expanded-shelf-contents-renderer");
if (i < els.length) {
els[i].querySelector("[aria-label^='Unsubscribe from']").click();
setTimeout(function () {
var unSubBtn = document.getElementById("confirm-button").click();
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
console.log(i + " unsubscribed by YOGIE");
console.log(els.length + " remaining");
Step 4: Sit back and watch the magic!
NOTE: If the script stops somewhere, please refresh the page and follow all four steps again.